Contact Information
English Building, room 240
Office Hours
Fall 2024: TH, 2:00pm-3:00pm
Research Areas
Tyler R Moore is a writer from Ashwaubenon, Wisconsin. He is the winner of the Hobart L. and Mary K. Peer Fiction Prize. He is currently pursuing his MFA in Fiction at the University of Illinois. He also earned his bachelor's in English and Film Production from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the current Associate Managing Editor and Associate Creative Non-fiction Editor for Ninth Letter. His work is published or forthcoming in Michigan Quarterly Review and elsewhere.
BA University of Wisconsin-Madison
Awards and Honors
Hobart L. and Mary K. Peer Fiction Prize
Courses Taught
Rhet 105 - Writing and Research
English 104 - Intro to Film
MACS 104 - Intro to Film