Contact Information
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Mike Odom received his B.A. in English Language and Literature from Mississippi State University in 1996 and attended graduate school at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, focusing on American fiction between 1870 and the present day, the literature of the southern United States, African-American literature, postmodernism, and narratology. He has been a member of the Specialized Faculty at the U of I since 2003, and including his years as a Teaching Assistant in the graduate program, he has a combined 27 years of post-secondary teaching experience. He has recently served as the Specialized Faculty Assistant Director of Rhetoric, and he is currently serving as the Vice-President of the Non-Tenure Faculty Coalition.
Awards and Honors
English Department Teaching Award for Non-Tenure Faculty, 2009-10
Rhetoric Program Award for Excellence in Writing Instruction (Specialized Faculty), 2022
English Department Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2022-2023
Courses Taught
ENGL 109: Intro to Fiction
ENGL 116: Intro to American Literature
ENGL 200: Intro to the Study of Literature and Culture
ENGL 251: American Novel Since 1914
ENGL 256: Survey of American Lit II
ENGL 259/AFRO 259/CWL 259: Afro-American Literature I
ENGL 300: Faulkner and the American South
RHET 101: Principles of Writing
RHET 102: Principles of Research
RHET 105: Writing and Research
RHET 233: Advanced Rhetoric and Composition
Additional Campus Affiliations
Non-Tenure Faculty Coalition