Contact Information
Office Hours
Research Interests
Indigenous Literature and Theory, Theory/Criticism, Victorian Studies, Colonial/Postcolonial, Pedagogy
MA English, Certificate Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, 2019
BA English, University of Maryland, College Park, 2016
Awards and Honors
Schurman Brookens Graduate Award for Demonstrated Excellence in Teaching First Year Writing
Courses Taught
Spring 2023
GWS 305: Theories of Race, Gender, and Sexuality @ Danville Correctional Center, Education Justice Program
Rhet233: Advanced Rhetoric and Composition (Developing Your Intellectual Genealogy)
Fall 2022
ENGL115: Intro to British Literature (Around the World in 80 Days through Multimodal Mapping)
Summer 2022
BTW 250: Principles of Business Communication (Online)
Spring 2022
ENGL 208: Victorian Literature and Culture (Aesthetics and Politics in the Long Nineteenth Century)
BTW 250: Principles of Business Communication
Fall 2021
ENGL 103: Intro to Fiction (The Novel and Its Adaptations)
BTW 250: Principles of Business Communication
Academic Year 2020-2021
RHET 105: Writing and Research (First-Year Composition)
Highlighted Publications
“Sound and Form: Listening to Affective Forms in the Soundscapes of Tanya Tagaq’s Split Tooth.” Transmotion. Forthcoming.
With Sarah Allen and Tracy Cissell. “Ecologies of Collaborative Selves in the Writing Classroom.” Double Helix. Forthcoming.
“Returning Home: Oral Storytelling as a Transnational Aesthetic in the Industrial Novel.” The Routledge Companion to Literature and Class. London: Routledge, 2021.
Hope at Sea: Possible Ecologies in Oceanic Literature by Teresa Shewry (review). The Contemporary Pacific 31, no. 2 (2019): 583-586. doi: 10.1353/cp.2019.0040.
Recent Publications
Invited Talks
Guest Lecturer, "INFO/WRIT 303: Writing across Media," taught by Jamie Keener, 19 Oct. 2023.
"Mobility as Foundation: Boarding Schools and Indigenous Movement as Resistance." Native American Feast Day, 25 Sept. 2023.
“Storytelling as Ceremony.” Native Summer Solstice Ceremony, Danville Correctional Center, 21 June 2023.
Conference Papers
“Revisioning Victorian(ist) Listening: Rereading Elizabeth Gaskell’s Canadian Landscapes through Inuk Sound.” North American Studies Association 2023 Conference, Revision, Return, Reform, 9-11 Nov. 2023, Indiana University, Bloomington, IL, Accepted Conference Presentation.
“Storied Lands of Promise: Public Lectures and Australia’s Wakefieldism.” North American Studies Association 2022 Conference, Just Victorians, 29 Sept. – 2 Oct. 2022, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.
“A System of Truth and Lies in Gould’s Book of Fish or, Embedded Adaptations in a Mysterious World.” Once and Future Fantasies, 13-17 July 2022, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.
“Unsettling Forms: Weaving a Literary Lei of Resistance in Nineteenth Century Hawai’i” (“Exotic Blossoms of Song”: Reorganizing Colonized Worlds through Hybrid Forms panel chaired by Meredith Martin, Princeton). North American Victorian Studies Association 2020 Conference, Unsettling Victorians, 3-5 March 2022, Virtual.
“A System of Truth and Lies in Gould’s Book of Fish or, Embedded Adaptations in a Mysterious World.” International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, 18-21 March 2020, Orlando Marriott Airport Lakeside, Orlando, FL. Accepted Conference Presentation. *Cancelled due to COVID-19
“Returning Home: Oral Storytelling as a Transnational Aesthetic in the Industrial Novel.” The Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States 2019 Conference, Victorian Stakes and Stakeholders, 7-10 November 2019, Courtyard by Marriott Seattle Downtown/Pioneer Square, Seattle, WA.
“Habit, Self-Efficacy, and Collaboration beyond the Classroom.” Council of Writing Program Administrators 2019 Conference, More Seats at the Table: Radical Inclusion in Writing Programs, 21-28 July 2019, Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, Baltimore, MD. Accepted Conference Presentation.
"The Chow that Can Be Spoken I Not the True Chow: Relationality and Estrangement in the Animal Gaze." Science Fiction Research Association, 21-24 June 2019, Chaminade University, Honolulu, HI.
“Spirit Wisdom: Disrupting the Discourse of Difference in Haggard’s When the World Shook.” International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, 13-16 March 2019, Orlando Marriott Airport Lakeside, Orlando, FL.