Contact Information
Research Areas
Research Interests
transnational modernisms | theory of the novel | history of literary criticism | politics of form
Research Description
My dissertation project takes up the transatlantic single-day novel as a cross-section of literary history to understand how form travels and what it affords in different historical contexts, tracking the circulation of such novels from the modernist crucible through to the present day.
I have further research interests in state-funded literary production, the afterlives of aesthetic autonomy, & Cold War cultures of criticism.
2018 | B.A. in English Literature, University of Texas at San Antonio |
2020 | M.A. in English Literature, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Awards and Honors
Distinguished Graduate Fellow
Additional Campus Affiliations
Certified, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory
Highlighted Publications
"Review: Making Conversation in Modernist Fiction by Elizabeth Alsop." Modernism/modernity Print Plus, vol. 6, no. 3, 2022. [x]
"Marcus Keller's Hospitable Derrida." Kritik, 2019. [x]
“Portrait of Another Artist: Jean Giono’s Melville.” 3:AM Magazine, 2018. [x]
“Review: Between Two Fires: Transnationalism & Cold War Poetry by Justin Quinn.” Transnational Literature, vol. 9, no. 1, 2016. [x]
Recent Publications