Unless otherwise noted, terms are one academic year long.


Elected Committees


Amanda Bales (2024-26)
Chris Freeburg (2023-25)
Andrew Gaedtke (2023-25)
Barry Hudek (2023-25)
Chris Kempf (2024-25)

V Millen (EGSA)
Peter Mortensen (2024-26)
Justine Murison (chair)
Rebecca Oh (2024-25)
Curtis Perry (2024-26)
Jordan Sellers (2023-25)
Andrea Stevens (2023-25)
calandra warren (EGSA)

Capricious Grading

John Barnard
Anustup Basu
Kay Emmert
Joe Grohens
Gordon Hutner
Carson Koepke
Tess McNulty
Hina Nazar

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Hannah Charity (EGSA)
Curtis Dickerson
Ángel Garciá
Irvin Hunt
Marie Rivera Lopez (EGSA)
Hina Nazar
Dani Nyikos
Siobhan Somerville
David Wright

Faculty Grievance

John Barnard
Anustup Basu (tenured faculty alternate)
Janice Harrington
Michael Hurley
Siobhan Somerville
Jess Williard (specialized faculty alternate)
David Wright

Faculty Senate

John Claborn (2024-26)
Megan Cole (2024-26)
Eleanor Courtemanche (2023-25)
Lucinda Cole (2023-25)
Shawn Gilmore (2023-25)
Chris Kempf (2024-26)
Kimberly Mack (2024-26)
David Wright (2023-25)


Appointed Committees

Carr/Visiting Authors

John Dudek
Janice Harrington
Chris Kempf
Ted Sanders
Corey Van Landingham
David Wright

Creative Writing Pedagogy

Amanda Bales (chair)
Ángel Garcia
Janice Harrington
Amy Hassinger

Creative Writing Prizes

John Dudek
Ángel Garciá
Janice Harrington
Amy Hassinger
Christopher Kempf
Alex Shakar

Faculty Awards

Tim Dean
Chris Freeburg
Janice Harrington
Bob Markley
Justine Murison (chair)
Curtis Perry
Gillen Wood

Graduate Awards

Manisha Basu (chair)
John Gallagher (Spring 2025)
Trish Loughran
Hina Nazar
Tim Newcomb
Tony Pollock (Fall 2024)

Graduate Studies and Financial Aid

John Barnard
Manisha Basu (chair)
Kimberly Mack
Tess McNulty
Siobhan Somerville
Ramón Soto-Crespo


John Barnard
Anustup Basu
Andrew Gaedtke
Catharine Gray (chair)
Gillen Wood

MFA Admissions

Janice Harrington
Ted Sanders
Alex Shakar
Corey Van Landingham
David Wright

Ninth Letter

Liz Harms
Janice Harrington
Chris Kempf
Ted Sanders

Online and Gen Ed Courses

Amy Hassinger
Melissa Littlefield (chair)
Daniel Roche
Lindsay Russell
Andrea Stevens

Rhetoric Advisory

Tessa Crosby (EGSA)
Dana Kinzy
Kristi McDuffie (chair)
Fin McMahon (EGSA)
additional members TBD

Specialized Faculty

Rob Barrett (ex officio for ENGL)
Anustup Basu
John Dudek (ex officio for CW)
Kay Emmert (ex officio for PPW)
Maddy Furlong (2024-26)
Shawn Gilmore (chair)
Kristi McDuffie (ex officio for RHET)
Zach McVicker (2023-25)
Andrew Moss (2023-25)
Jess Williard (2023-25)
Gillen Wood

Undergraduate Curriculum

Keshia Atkins (Fall 2024)
Rob Barrett (chair)
Catharine Gray (ex officio)
Anna Ivy
Jamie Jones
Charlesia McKinney
Tim Newcomb
Andrea Stevens

Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards

Eleanor Courtemanche
Catharine Gray (chair)
Amy Hassinger
Gordon Hutner
Lori Newcomb

Undergraduate Teaching Awards

Keshia Atkins (co-chair)
Rob Barrett (co-chair)
Annah Freudenberg
Lune Hallam (undergraduate member)
Anna Ivy (co-chair)
Carson Koepke
Hina Nazar
Riley Parks (undergraduate member)
Julie Price
Molly Willis (undergraduate member)

Writing Studies

Antonio Hamilton (EGSA)
Neal Liu (EGSA)
Charlesia McKinney
Peter Mortensen (chair)
Lindsay Russell